Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to some of the most common questions

Yes, we accept unsolicited manuscripts, and we review all submissions within 14-21 days.

No problem! Most of our submissions are from unagented authors, although we do accept submissions from literary agents. If we do a deal with you directly, you’ll be able to keep your full share of our generous 15% royalties.

At D&A Publishing, we believe in creating long-term partnerships that are good for you and for us. Our goal is to help authors earn a full-time income from book sales. You earn based on royalties acquired from book sales. Authors earn an average of 15% per book sold.

D&A Publishing does not currently offer advances.

We pay 15% net royalties on all income from your book, including book sales, royalties, and subsidiary rights (like foreign language translation rights, licensing, and TV or film deals).

The cost will be determined based on provided specifics of the book. Typically the cost of writing and production is shared after consulting with the author.

Even if you meet all the guidelines on this page, we review all submitted manuscripts and decide on a case-by-case basis if it makes sense for us to offer a deal to the author.

Contact us using the form below to submit your query letter or ask a question, or simply email us at

After we receive your query letter, we will respond to your email, and you may then submit your manuscript via email. Please ensure your manuscript is ready to review in Microsoft Word (either .docx or .doc format) so that our editors can easily review your work.

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