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Guidelines for Submission

      1. To have your work considered for publication by D&A Publishing, please send an email to, including the first three chapters or 10,000 words of your manuscript (saved in Microsoft Word), a one-page synopsis of the work, and a short author bio. (Note that a synopsis is not the same as a blurb or a teaser. A synopsis should contain “spoilers”, and should give a summary of the entire story, including and especially how it ends).
      2. The sample of the manuscript should be properly formatted (double-spaced, left-justified only, 12pt Serif font). Our preferred font is Courier New.
      3. Introduce yourself and your work in the query letter in the body of the email. The subject of your email should be the title of your manuscript followed by the word “Submission”. Your submission will be acknowledged and assessed by our editors. We will respond within eight weeks if we are provisionally interested in publishing your work.
      4. At this time, D&A Publishing is not accepting unsolicited poetry or short story collections submissions.
      5. Please note that we only accept submissions via email to We do not accept hard copy submissions.
      6. Hard copy submissions will not be acknowledged or returned.
      7. Please see the FAQs or email for further information on how to publish with us.

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